B. inggris


Pidato hari pahlawan dalam bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya

2 Jawaban

  • Today, November the tenth, we commemorate the national hero. Today, November the tenth, we commemorate the day when our forefathers devoted thought and effort to maintain our country independence. Today, November the tenth, the heroes who died in battle shed blood, sweat and tears to fly the red-white flag, the flag of Indonesia. Today, November the tenth, we remember the heroic battle of Surabaya.
    Many heroic stories were born on that day. It was the day when the first battle after the proclamation of Indonesia independence. It was the day where all citizens joined a fight to depend the city of Surabaya from the Dutch that wanted to re-colonize Indonesia once more. It was the day when Surabaya was surrounded by the Allies to kneel under the Dutch colonization once more.
    Many heroic stories were born on that day. It was the day when Bung Tomo, national armies and volunteers with limited weapons fight against the allies of 30,000 troops armed with tanks, airplanes, and warships. It was the day when 16.000 fighters fall after three weeks battle. It was the day that will never be forgotten. It was the day that will always be remembered. It was the day of our National Heroes.
    My friends,
    Today, November the tenth, we commemorate the national hero. Today, November the tenth, we remember all the sacrifices of forefathers in depending this nation. Today, November the tenth, we will continue their fight to create a great nation as it was dreamed by them. Today, November the tenth, let's we have a moment of silence to thank, to remember, and to pray so they may rest in peace in the nirvana.

    Hari ini, tanggal 10 November, kita memperingati hari pahlawan nasional. Hari ini, tanggal 10 November, kita mengenang hari dimana para pedahulu kita mencurahkan pikiran dan tenaga untuk mempertahankan kemerdekaan negra kita. Hari ini, tanggal 10 November, para pahlawan yang gugur di medan perang meneteskan darah, keringat dan air mata untuk bisa mengibarkan bendara merah-putih, bendera Indonesia. Hari ini, tanggal 10 November, kita meningat kembali pertempuran heroik Surabaya.
    Banyak cerita heroik yang lahir pada hari itu. Hari ketika pertempuran pertama setelah proklamasi kemerdekaan Indonesia. Hari dimana semua masyarakat bersatu untuk mempertahankan kota Surabaya dari Belanda yang ingin menjajah kembali Indonesia. Hari ketika Surabaya dikepung pasukan sekutu untuk tunduk dibawah penjajahan Belanda sekali lagi.
    Banyak cerita heroik yang lahir pada hari itu. Hari ketika  Bung Tomo, tentara nasional, dan sukarelawan berperang dengan keterbatasan senjata melawan 30.000 tentara sekutu bersenjata lengkap dengan sejumlah tank, pesawat terbang, dan kapal perang. Hari ketika 16.000 pejuang gugur setelah tiga minggu pertempuran. Hari yang tidak pernah dilupakan. Hari yang akan selalu diingat. Itu lah Hari Pahlawan Nasional kita.
    Teman-teamn ku,
    Hari ini, tanggal 10 November, kita kembali memperingati hari pahlawan nasional. Hari ini, tanggal 10 November, kita mengingat kembali semua pengorbanan pedahulu kita dalam mempertahankan negara ini. Har ini, tanggal 10 November, kita akana melanjutkan perjuangan mereka untuk membentuk suatu negara besar sebagaimana yang telah mereka impikan. Hari ini, tanggal 10 November, mari kita renungkan sejenak untuk berterima kasih, untuk mengingat, dan untuk mendoakan suapa mereka beristirahat dengan tenang di surga sana.
  • Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
    Ladies and Gentlemen.
    On this good occasion let us give thanks to Allah SWT over the abundance of grace, ni'mat and taufiq and His guidance that has been given to us so that on this day's day we can gather and meet at the commemoration of Heroes Day 10 November.
    Ladies and Gentlemen.
    The speech I will present this time is a speech about the Heroes Day which coincides on November 10th today. Where the incident occurred in Surabaya which every year we commemorate.
    In commemorating the day of this hero let us fill with the development both spiritual and physical and also we fill with things that benefit the community and also the state of Indonesia. We must also obey government regulations and submit to the state.
    Ladies and Gentlemen.
    About submission and obedience to the state is an obligation for citizens both in pleasant circumstances as well as troublesome as long as it does not damage the rules.
    In the matter of obedience to the leader we should not look to the person until supposedly the leader is a person who is not right to lead.
    Ladies and Gentlemen.
    Thus a brief speech can convey, hopefully we can keep commemorating and will not forget the merits of our heroes who have preceded us. Hopefully what I convey is useful for all of us and if there is one-one word please forgive.

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