

Maaf ya Bahasa Inggris...

1. A motorcycle toy has a mass of 5 kg. Moving with the velocity of 72 km/hour. The kinetic energy of the toy is?

2. A rock with mass of 33 kg placed on the edge of the table. The height of the table is 56 meter. Find the Potential Energy.

3. An object with mass of 0,5 kg is thrown upwards with velocity of 4 m/sec. Find the Potential Energy.

4. An object with mass of 1 kg is thrown vertically with initial velocity of 40 m/sec. If g: 10 m/sec pangkat 2, find the kinetic energy if object is at 20 m height

5. Andy's car and Budi's car has same mass, but different velocity. If the ratio of the velocity of Andy's car and Budi's car is 2:3, what is the kinetic energy comparison are?

6. Irma throws a ball that is 4 kg vertically. And the kinetic energy is 400 joule. If g: 10 m/s pangkat 2, the ratio of kinetic energy and potential energy at 5 meter height from Irma's position is?

1 Jawaban

  • 1.energi kinetik = m.v².1/2
    5.72².1/2 = 5.5184.1/2 = 5.2592 = 12960 j

    2.energi potensial = 33.56 = 1848 j

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