B. inggris


Tujuan kedua kami ke candiborobudur. Kami berangkat pukul 10.00 dan sampai disana pukul 12.00.kami disana menaiki tangga untuk ke atas, setelah sampai diatas kemi berfoto dan menikamati pemandangan, lalu kembali ke bus untuk malanjutkan perjalana. Tolong bahasa inggris kan

2 Jawaban

  • The purpose of our second to borobudur temple. We're leaving at 10:00 and get there at 12:00. we were there climbing the ladder up, after arriving on us taking pictures and enjoy the scenery, and then return to the bus to continue the journey.
  • our 2nd destination is go to Borobudur temple.
    were going to the temple at 10 am and arrived at 12pm.then we crossed tge stairs and took some photos there and viewing the mountains.then go back to bus to continue traveling.

    Thank You
    pilih gw jadi ter- brainly yah
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