B. inggris


contoh perckapan dua orang dalam bahasa inggris tentang berita yang lagi hits

2 Jawaban

  • a : hey mate!
    b : hey, what is it?
    a : do you see the news about someone who crashed his car to a pole sometimes ago?
    b : no, I dont know 'bout that
    a : it's just someone who tried to ran away from something
    b : that's it? what a coward
    a : yeah he is, but he got caught anyway
  • A:hy tn.Eben
    B:hy mrs.Falen
    A: you know what hotsnews now?
    B: i don't know ,because i am not reading newspaper today
    A: You should know more booming news in Indonesia a few days yesterday.
    B: what that?
    A: someone crashing a power pole

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